Implementing School / College ERP Management System is very significant and complex part of strong and effective School Management. There are many issues in handling the institutional functions like; Student / Employee Enrollment, Fees Management, Exam and Results Management, and many more.
In the old traditional way of handling School Management it took lot of paperwork and long procedures to run day to day Institutional activities, but now it has become simple and smooth after the arrival of Genius ERP School / College Management System.
In the modern era, the methods of managing and handling Educational Institutes are changing and the learning environment for students are evolving with the cutting edge technologies at a faster pace. This has completely replaced the traditional form of School / College Management.
Nowadays, there are many well known educational institutes are opting for Genius School / College Management ERP System which is the major change and also they are purchasing it on yearly package. The biggest challenge among the institutes is to choose the perfect suitable and good fit ERP System for their institute. However, it needs proper planning and execution of the thought to implement Genius ERP System into their management.

Here are some of the ways to implement School / College ERP System effectively in your educational institute:
Research and understand the pre-installation process.
Now, first of all educational institutes needs to research and understand all the process before implementing the ERP System. Thus it should not be implemented in hurry. Ensure that you have enough knowledge and information about the changes, cost and efforts required to implement the same.
Although, Genius ERP implementation will give you guaranteed advantages in your educational institutes but it is recommended to think about the specific requirements that your educational institute needs, also integrate only those ERP modules which are required and essential for your institutional objectives and goals. Therefore, a complete research and development of the process and learning about the scope and objectives will clear all your doubts for smooth execution
Analyze your requirements:
There are many functionalities in Genius Education Management System, with various packages to subscribe it. But prior to deciding on any ERP module take your time to analyze your educational requirements and coordinate withGenius Development team to match your requirements.
Maybe, the cause behind the failure of ERP implementation is a divergence between the capacities of an ERP System and the organization's requirements. There should be ideal communication between both the parties so that it will lead to the desired outcome.
Use Trial Version - Pilot Run”
There might be discrepancy in implementing ERP System and utilizing the same, therefore it is always recommended that educational institutes should use the Genius Educational ERP System on trial period. This will help the institute to understand the ERP system better and to learn all the modules and operations within it. After few months Institute can decide upon whether the ERP System is giving advantage to them or not. But in most of the cases institutes like it because it comes handy with Web and Mobile portal login.
The Management and Trustees can decide if the pilot run version has been the successful call for their institute or not. Trial period is very important, as during this time institute takes Trainings from the company to understand all the functionality of the Genius Educational ERP Software.
Training- The significant step for successful ERP implementation
An exceptionally crucial yet important step to ERP implementation, training of the teachers / principal / admin and staffs in the institute who will utilize it to understand each and every feature of an ERP Education System.
If the user don't comprehend how the whole system functions then the whole cause for Genius ERP utilization will go futile. Thus, Training videos, sessions and user’s guide must be given to understand and learn to use the same. More often than not, the training part comes clubbed with the ERP Education Management System package. After the training, a pilot-run of the system in the institute with all the genuine information is considered, also any institutional changes required if any. Genius provides on board training sessions to help you trained in latest Genius Education Management versions.
Go live!
According to our analysis, the most fulfilling part of an ERP implementation process is going live on the Genius Education Management System with no hurdles. But one should not avoid post-implementation process which matter a lot as it conveys the customer support service for all the users anywhere and anytime.Proper usage of the ERP Software with regular maintenance and upgradation is fairly important as the requirement of ERP implementation.